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Mount Tsukuba Plum Blossom Festival 筑波山梅まつり

Updated: Jun 6

Around 1000 plum blossoms in both pink and white decorate the mountainside path of Mount Tsukuba every year around mid February to late March. There's an observation deck at the top that allows you to take in both the blossoms and landscape of the city below. Around the base of the mountain and parts of the way up you will find places selling plum blossom flavored food such as soft-serve, traditional Japanese wagashi, and more!

Where: Tsukubasan bairin (筑波山梅林)

When: Usually mid February to late March (check the website below for updates)

How much: Free

Website (Japanese):

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Feb 04, 2022

sooo pretty. 🌸❤️

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