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Kaisei Machi Hydrangea Festival (開成あじさい)

Updated: Jun 6

If you love hydrangea, this festival should be at the top of your list! In the countryside of Kaisei in Kanagawa prefecture, 5000 hydrangeas were planted along the rice fields and rivers in the area, which provide a gorgeous backdrop! Although technically the festival wasn't on this year (2021) due to COVID-19, you could of course stroll around the neighborhood to enjoy the hydrangeas.

Where: Ajisai Park 1417-5 Kanaishima, Kaisei, Ashigarakami District, Kanagawa 258-0028

When: Mid-June to early July

How much: Free


We found a little frog hanging out on the leaf of a hydrangea bush! There were also many tadpoles and small frogs swimming around in the water of the rice fields.

A local taking a stroll and enjoying the hydrangeas.

Since the hydrangeas are planted around the rice fields, you can see farmers at work!

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1 Comment

Jun 23, 2021

absolutely stunning! and i love the photos of the locals. all so beautiful <3

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