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Irises at Shikisai no Mori Yakushiike Park (町田薬師池公園 四季彩の杜 薬師池(薬師池公園)

Updated: May 13

a japanese woman picking irises

At this park you can see a wide variety of different blooms all throughout the year, however the most popular time to visit is during iris and hydrangea season. The grounds of the gardens are lush with greenery, as well as 2,200 blooming irises. The gardeners dress in traditional Japanese garb collecting the Iris petals and tending to the garden. They aren’t picking all day throughout the blooming season so check their website to see what times they will be out.

Where: 3270 Nozutamachi, Machida, Tokyo 195-0063

When: Early-June to mid-June

How much: Free

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